Looking for Parking on Parade Day? Look no further. We’ve got you covered on Parade Day in New Haven with PARK NEW HAVEN – Visit their website www.parknewhaven.com for a convenient interactive parking locator map.
This year, Park New Haven offers $11 flat-rate parking at the Crown Street, Temple Street, and Temple Medical garages, as well as the George Street Lot.
Park New Haven – The New Haven Parking Authority proudly serves the people of New Haven and its visitors with over 8,000 economical public parking spaces at the Air Rights, Crown Street, Temple Street, Temple Medical, Granite Square, and Union Station Garages, and at numerous surface parking lots conveniently located in downtown New Haven and in surrounding residential neighborhoods.
Parking is also available in Yale lots. The Crown and Temple Street Garages will be open Parade Day with bathroom facilities available. Click here to view a Yale Parking Lot map.
For a quick reference map of city garages and meter locations you can visit City of New Haven Traffic and Parking. Please keep in mind this is for reference only. Please refer back to Park New Haven for Parade Day locations.
For specific questions, please visit the FAQ page at this link.
The Main Participant lot this year will be the Granite Square garage. The is located on State Street between Audubon and Trumbull (GPS: 690 State Street). For past participants, this is the opposite corner or Audubon from the old AT&T/Frontier Lot.
This year, we will again use Yale University parking lot# 16, located at the intersection of Whitney Avenue & Humphrey Street (GPS address: 230 Whitney Ave, New Haven CT 06511), for the Northern area of the Parade route.
This lot should be used for marching unit participants who are single occupancy vehicles or overflow from the Granite Square garage. We encourage all units to have their members carpool and members with heaviest or the majority of equipment to utilize the Granite Square lot. Yale Lot 16 is 1/2 mile from the end of the Parade or the Frontier lot.
Shuttle buses will run from the Granite Square garage and Yale Lot 16 to the Parade staging area from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM. There will NOT be any shuttle buses returning to the Yale Lot 16 at the end of the Parade.
Parking is also available in many Yale lots throughout the city.

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